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Configure LDAP authentication

I can see a few people seem to have had success setting up askbot to authenticate against active directory but I'm having trouble with it, could anyone clarify how these fields should be used:

LDAP service provider name: I tried "Active Directory"

URL for LPAP service: I tried "ldap://"

Explain how to change pwd: left blank

With these settings I get an Internal Server Error, and nothing inserted into the log.

Configure LDAP authentication

I can see a few people seem to have had success setting up askbot to authenticate against active directory but I'm having trouble with it, could anyone clarify how these fields should be used:

LDAP service provider name: I tried "Active Directory"

URL for LPAP service: I tried "ldap://"

Explain how to change pwd: left blank

With these settings I get an Internal Server Error, and nothing inserted into the log.

Configure LDAP authentication

I can see a few people seem to have had success setting up askbot to authenticate against active directory but I'm having trouble with it, could anyone clarify how these fields should be used:

LDAP service provider name: I tried "Active Directory"

Directory" URL for LPAP service: I tried "ldap://"

"ldap://" Explain how to change pwd: left blank

With these settings I get an Internal Server Error, and nothing inserted into the log.