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Allright let's try adding content to emails. Regarding the identical subject lines - not 100% sure, maybe adding author name to subject would make users more likely to open the email? But then, the subject line will be less identical. Not everyone uses Gmail (I do use it, btw) so that optimization will be very specific to Gmail users. Perhaps a phrase "new question"/"new answer", etc is not so important? What do you think?

The main purpose of emails is to encourage people participate in the forum. It's hard to say at once what is the best thing to do here.

I guess it takes two steps from receiving email go to visiting the site - click to open a message, read it and click on a link. At each step there is a chance that person will decide to do something else and the optimization goal here is to increase the "clickthrough".

Allright let's try adding content to emails. Regarding the identical subject lines - not 100% sure, maybe adding author name to subject would make users more likely to open the email? But then, the subject line will be less identical. Not everyone uses Gmail (I do use it, btw) so that optimization will be very specific to Gmail users. Gmail. Perhaps a phrase "new question"/"new answer", etc is not so important? What do you think?

The main purpose of emails is to encourage people participate in the forum. It's hard to say at once what is the best thing to do here.

I guess it takes two steps from receiving email go to visiting the site - click to open a message, read it and click on a link. At each step there is a chance that person will decide to do something else and the optimization goal here is to increase the "clickthrough".