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Hi Pekka,

Well thanks for motivating me :) and for your offer too - I have a whole server to play with, so hosting is not an issue. Link to the wiki is at the top.

I've installed Mediawiki - something I'm familiar with. The two sites will have separate account systems until we build a robust single sign-on system.

Next up is project site - I want to try Jekyll for that.


Hi Pekka,

Well thanks for motivating me :) and for your offer too - I have a whole server to play with, so hosting is not an issue. too. Link to the wiki is at the Next up is project site - I want to try Jekyll for that.

I've installed Mediawiki - something I'm familiar with. with.

The two sites will have separate account systems until we build a robust single sign-on system.

Next up is project site - I want to try Jekyll for that.
