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Auto-suggest username when typing '@' in a comment

I've seen on some comments that there is a comment related to a specific user that has indicate with @ and after the user name.

Is a really good thing for me but can be that i've not seen, but it appears strange that i must write the user's nick and that there is not a way to have a dropdown menu in that appears the nick of users that partecipate at the question?

Auto-suggest username when typing '@' in a commentHow to automatically have the @user

I've seen on some comments that there is a comment related to a specific user that has indicate with @ and after the user name.

name. Is a really good thing for me but can be that i've not seen, seen and i'm asking a stupid question but it appears strange appear strangew that i must write the user's nick and that there is not a way to have a dropdown menu in that appears the nick of users that partecipate at the question?question? There is and i've not seen or there is not this feature? Thank You