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Problem posting answer in IE?


Just reproduced in askbot the problem I have in my local environment.

When clicking on post your answer button using IE9, I am being redirected to a page that doesn't exist. However, my answer is posted.

This is what I am getting:

image description

and this is my exact version of IE:

image description

I don't have the same problem using Chrome or Mozilla. Anyone else having the same problem?

Problem posting answer in IE?


Just reproduced in askbot the problem I have in my local environment.

When clicking on post your answer button using IE9, I am being redirected to a page that doesn't exist. However, my answer is posted.

This is what I am getting:

image description

and this is my exact version of IE:

image description

I don't have the same problem using Chrome or Mozilla. Anyone else having the same problem?

Problem posting answer in with IE?


Just reproduced in askbot the problem I have in my local environment.

When clicking on post your answer button using IE9, I am being redirected to a page that doesn't exist. However, my answer is posted.

This is what I am getting:

image description

and this is my exact version of IE:

image description

I don't have the same problem using Chrome or Mozilla. Anyone else having the same problem?