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markdown link does not work if you omit 'http://'

When you add a link in a question, answer or comment, you have to include http:// otherwise it fails (404) or at best it redirects you to the same page you are now (i.e the question you are in). (by the way, when there is 404 error the search box seems buggy too).

E.g.: This link should take you to this one, coz they both have but the first is without http://.

I would guess this is important coz I rarely type http:// (only when I copy-paste, as most of you).

markdown link does not work if you omit 'http://'

When you add a link in a question, answer or comment, you have to include http:// otherwise it fails (404) or at best it redirects you to the same page you are now (i.e the question you are in). (by the way, when there is 404 error the search box seems buggy too).

E.g.: This link should take you to this one, coz they both have but the first is without http://.

I would guess this is important coz I rarely type http:// (only when I copy-paste, as most of you).